Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Menstrual Cup

A menstrual cup, also known as vaginal cup or simply silicon cup is an ecological alternative to regular feminine hygienic methods like tampons and pads. It is easy to use, consists of a silicon cup or latex that is introduced inside the vagina during the period days. Unlike tampons and pads the menstrual cup doesn’t absorb the fluid, instead it collects it inside in order to dispose of it later. 

Those cups are reusable and so that makes them environmentally friendly and enable us to avoid more than 11.000 tampons in a woman’s life. It also has an impact on our pocket due to the fact that its high price is amortized rapidly because of its durability. Another advantage is its conformability as you can wear it all night long and the inert properties of silicon provides a decrease in possible infections.

There also are some inconveniences as it’s difficult to find opinions about it because it’s a brand new product. You need to boil it in order to sterilize, it can be uncomfortable to use depending on where you are and like tampons at the beginning it is not easy to use.
This product is commercialized under different brands and some of them are: Moon cup, Femmecup, Lunette, Fleurcup, MeLuna... their price is between 15-30 € depending on the brand. So here is a greener alternative that you may consider!

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